Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 8 - Not the normal day!!

Last night my buddy Fred - that would also be my son - decided he wanted to wake up at 1 and cry for an hour. I sadly slept in until 5:40 and went to the gym. I came home this afternoon and read through part of Leviticus. I am not a good afternoon reader. I will fix that in the morning.

It was pretty cool to read about the different types of offerings that were needed. But, I am so glad that we have a Savior so that these offerings are not needed in today's time. It is awesome that our God sent His Son to earth to be that offering for us. I rest assured of that and am thankful that God knew I was going to need that and took the steps to help me.

The day at school was great!!! So often we just focus in on the negative that we hear bout our schools but I want you to know that there are some great things happening at Lauderdale Middle School. We have some great teachers and students. Tonight we had a basketball game and both teams played well. Our girls team came up a little short but they are improving each time they play. Our boys team played an excellent game. When they play as a team and not just for themselves, they can be unstoppable!!

Well it is time for bed, I am trying to watch the game but I believe sleep will get me since I don't care which team wins. I like both of them!! God Bless and I hope you have a great Tuesday!!!

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