Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 7 - What a good day!!!

I had a great day at church. We had a wonderful service this morning and then our children's ministry had Team Kids tonight and it was awesome. They talked about friendship and looked at the friendships of Samson. We have some devoted people who work with our children and puppet ministry.

I finished reading Exodus today. I have to be honest, I enjoy learning about the tabernacle and all fo the items that made it up, but I would catch myself drifting and would have to go back and reread. I then decided to try and draw out in my mind what it would look like. That helped!! The thing that stood out to me was how God had everything down to the detail and it worked out. The people trusted and followed the Lord!!!

As I finish my first week of B90X, I can see that I am going to enjoy this. It is a challenge but so is a physical workout at the gym. While the one I go to every morning at 6 is a benefit to my body, the workout at 5 in the morning, while sitting in my recliner, has greater benefits for myself and my family.

I pray that you have a great and blessed week. 

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