Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 2

This morning I had to get back into going to school. I have decided to try getting up at 5, making a cup of coffee, reading the days scripture and then go to the gym before reporting to school by 6:50. So as I started this morning, I realized that my reading was not going to allow me to make it to the gym by 6. So I finished my reading and then went for a great 30 minute cardio workout.

This morning i read through Gen. 17- 28. Some wonderful text and information. I look at the deceit and sin in Sodom and Gomorrah and begin to wonder what our Lord thinks about our town/country. It breaks my heart to read and then think about how it is here as well. I then go on to look at the birth of Issac and how Abraham showed such faith in the Lord that he would take his own son to sacrifice. I have to be honest, I would struggle with that. I look at my son and think there is no way but Abraham showed such obedience to God. I am striving to be that way!!! The verse that stood out the most to me during this reading was from Chapter 22:5 - "He said to his servants, " Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you." What struck me the most was that Abraham knew that he and his son would return. Look back at the verse and highlight the word WE... he says it twice. How Awesome!!! He knew he served a Great God!!!!

I am back to work this week and I look forward to seeing the students of LMS tomorrow morning. One of my greatest pleasures is greeting each on as they get off the bus. Even those cold and rainy days are great knowing that God is using me here!!

I want to leave you with my favorite verse--- Col. 3:23 - "Whatever you do do it with all your heart as working for the Lord and not for man." God Bless and have a wonderful day!!!

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