Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 11 - Lyndi's back home

I hope you all have had a great day!!! My day has been fantastic. I got home and there was my beautiful wife. I am blessed!!!

Today I spent time reading Numbers 8-21. Really great information. I have to be honest, I get excited to read about the leaders of the Israelites going into Canaan and looking around. I laugh how they were scared by the  the report and their lack of faith in God. IN chapter 14 the people rebel again... When things aren't easy we still do the same thing. Our trust in God is conditional. As long as it does not push us out of our box or comfort zone then we are ok. I think of Noah and his faithfulness and 
Abraham's obedience!!! I long for that in my life.

This weekend we have Jerusalem project with our association. It will be an awesome time to spend with the youth group and having the time to chill out and relax with them. On Monday, we will do some work projects around the area!!!It will be fun!!!

I pray that you have a wonderful Friday!! God Bless!!!

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