Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4 - Joseph

Howdy!!! I hope you have had a great day. God has really blessed me in a great way today. Fantastic day at school and then to top it off I got to come home to my wonderful family and play. After dinner, The kids and I watched Toy Story 2 and they are now in bed. Lyndi is at the gym so I get a few minutes to just chill and watch some SPORTS!!!

Today I found myself finishing up Genesis. I started in chapter 40. I have read this a few times and it always keeps my attention and I find new things each time. I was sharing with a friend about the broadway play call "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." I remember watching it on video and loved the music. Check it out sometime!!!

But in today's reading I just loved the example of Joseph and his ability to forgive. When his brothers came to town to buy grain and Joseph stuck the silver back in their bags. He was still taking care of his family.  He still asked about his father. What a great example of forgiveness!!! That just rings over and over to me.

One last thing that I loved was Joseph was faithful!!! He stayed the course even when times were difficult. He loved God and trusted Him. I know my blog may repeat but these are huge examples for all of us. Joseph was a man of faith and is an example for me. He knew God had a purpose, while not always easy, for him and he followed God.

I have really enjoyed reading Genesis and look forward to Exodus. I hope you are spending some time in the word and praying to our Father in heaven. Seek Him in all the things you do!!!

Striving to be the man God wants me to be!!! God Bless

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