Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 5 - Moses

I have to be honest... I did NOT want to get up this morning. Fred Baby woke up at 4:20 and I tied to go back to sleep. It took me a bit and right as I feel asleep the alarm went off. I had to make myself get out of bed. I got to the fat chair and opened up to the wonderful book of Exodus. As I started I began to get excited. I started reading about a guy that reminds me of me. A guy who did not want to trust God. A guy who came up with some many excuses of why he couldn't do something. His name was Moses. Here you have a guy who should have been killed at birth, was raised by his mother for others, killed a man and then lead his people out of slavery. Now I didn't cover everything Moses did... you need to dive into the word and see for yourself... but he is an interesting guy.

As I am reading, I thought about my life and how I would come up with a reason of why I couldn't do this and this when I knew God was sending me there. I still do it now. I do believe that I will be a lead pastor one day but I hope it is way in the future. I don't think God is through using me at LMS, in Ripley and at Mary's Chapel. I just have to be patient and pay attention and not make excuses when the time comes.

As I close today I have to say I am really enjoying reading the bible again. I feel like I am getting closer to God and getting to know Him in a deeper way. I want to encourage you to spend just a few moments with Him. HE is an awesome God. I would also like to invite you to church on Sunday. We have a great time worshiping our God through wonderful songs that focus on Him (not going to say contemporary or traditional, we sing to and about God through our song, a fantastic sermon from Bro. Jim Richards and great fellowship!!! Starts at 9:30 for Sunday School and Worship service begins at 10:30.

Have a great weekend!!! God Bless

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