Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 3 - They did what?

I really enjoyed this mornings reading. This morning I dove into Gen. 28 and finished up in Chapter 40. It was so neat to look at how things were unfolding. My favorite part in this reading was the story of Joseph and his brothers. It reminds me of our world. I tell students in our ministry that they can find an example of anything that they are going through in the bible and look at ways that they were overcome. It just seemed that Joseph had a string of bad luck but he stayed faithful to God and was blessed by that. He stayed the course!!!

Another section I enjoyed reading was when Jacob went to meet Esau. What an example of forgiveness!!! Tonight in youth group we discussed forgiveness and this is a great example for us to look at. Esau didn't blow up, didn't retaliate - he just forgave.

I think that is what we need to remember - God calls us to forgive as Christ forgave us!!! My prayer is as we continue in our voyage through the scriptures that we strive to learn from the examples and lessons from the Word of God.

BTW - Also had a great first day back to school!!! I truly believe God is going to do great things through the youth of out community!!! God Bless!!!

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