Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 6

Hello again - A very unique read today. I did not get up at 5 to read today. Fred Baby let me sleep in until 7:15. Today I was reading in Exodus 15-28. I look in 16 and see where the people grumbled against God and how he came through time and time again. He made sure they got what was needed. They had food and water. As I read over this section, I think about how our society is never satisfied. We all want more than we need. I am the same way. I am trying my best to change that this year. My goal is to be a better steward of not only money but time, family, house.... anything that God has blessed me with.

I got a chance today to go and visit a few people for a couple of hours. One is a lady from our church who was admitted into the hospital because she was low on blood. She and I both laughed because back in June it was the same thing. It seems she has to get a "fill-up" every 6-7 months. I told her I wished oil in cars worked that way. But, as I left she was finishing her 4th unit and was feeling a lot better. She said she felt "FULL" - her words not mine!!! She will be allowed to come home tomorrow. I pray she gets a great nights rest.

I also went to visit one of our new families at church. They have just moved into a new house and I wanted to stop and say hi. I actually got an idea for the deck I would like to build here. A great family and I am blessed to get to know them.

My last visit was a sit down with my brother in Christ at the Kissell Cafe!! I love getting a chance to talk to him. I am proud of what he is doing and pray that God will bless his business and his family!!!

I hope you have had a great Saturday!!! I have enjoyed hanging with my family. As I get older, almost 39... I don't want to say 40 yet, I realize how much fun I have wrestling and playing in the floor with Lyndi, Tayler and Cayden. Or sitting in the PHAT chair watching Phineas and Ferb. It just doesn't get old. God Bless and I hope you make it to the church of your choice. If you don't have one, I would love for you to come and check out Mary's Chapel. If you don't know the way... look for one of the many signs in the county!!! LOL

God Bless!!!!

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