Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 10 - God is Good!!!

I took the day off to spend with the kids and it has been exhausting. We have played, traveled to dyersburg and covington and went to church. We also picked up 14 kids along the way. Sweet!!!

Today I read the last chapter of Leviticus and started Numbers. I realize the more I read the more I am seeing who God is. I have enjoyed reading about the history and the things that Moses and Aaron had to do. I am just amazed at how obedient people were to God. It breaks my heart that people now are obedient more to society and what it says than God. I am the same as well. I struggle daily with being who Christ wants me to be. I want to be obedient to Him in every aspect of my life. Not easy but worth it.

Tonight was awesome at church. We talked about attitude and how when things happen in life it clouds our decisions. At the end of the night we had one young man make a decision to accept Christ as His Lord. I am proud of Bradford and beg you to pray for this young man as he begins this wonderful journey with Christ.

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!! God Bless and I want to challenge you to spend some time in the word and prayer!!!

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