Monday, February 6, 2012


Well I have been bad. I have gotten out of my routine but am trying to get back in it. I finished reading the book of Joshua today. It was great to see how they settled on the other side. Joshua was an obdient man and loved the Lord in a great way. I pray I can be this devoted.

Tonight I want to ask you to pray for the students in schools throughout the world. They go through things that I didn't think about when I was their age. I look at my students at school and in youth group and hurt for them. They share with me me some of their struggles at home and in the world and how school or church is their only refuge. I want to take them all home!!!(Lyndi would kill me) But if we would take the time to listen and not push them off we would get a better understanding of who they are.

Yesterday, Bro. Ronnie shared with us about the love of a child and how we can learn from them. I do agree!! While we are encouraging them, they are doing the same for us. We have to continue to pray for them and love on them. I know we may not understand them but they are God's children and we are to love them.

I also want to ask you to pray for my friend Kaylan. He is scheduled to speak to our youth group this Wednesday and I look forward to him doing so. Please pray that God will use him and that his nerves and angst will disappear. Give God the glory!!!

Have a great Tuesday!!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

day 14 - 15

Ok... I just finished the book of deuteronomy. I found all of the different laws interesting. I look at the Lords commands and realize that He is a great God. I know I got off but will try to read 2 sections a day to get back on spot.

Today has been a weird day. Made it to the gym, normal day at school and then ball practice. Came home and played with the kids. I was the bad pony today. The rode on my back for 30 minutes. I thought I had a hard workout this morning!!! lol...

I do have to share this... Over the past few weeks I have come to realize how blessed I am and my family is. One of the great blessings of my jobs is to interact with young people. Sometimes I forget that not everyone has the same things. I visited a kid a few weeks ago and in their living room was only couch cushions and another one told me about how they struggle to have food on the table. MY heart just broke and I became mad at myself because I complain about not going to taco bell or McD's. How sad is that!? I desire to bring my kids up to realize that having everything you want is not that important. When we take for granted that everyone is on the same level we lose out on loving people. I challenge you and myself to see people where they are not where you are. God put us here to serve each other and I pray that I will be aware to the times that I get to help others. God bless and I hope you have a wonderful week!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I have gotten away from writing this week. I will post my thoughts on my reading tomorrow night. We have had a wonderful week. This past Monday we took part in Jerusalem project and it was a blast. Even getting the church bus stuck under an awning. The rest of the week has been great as well.
THis weekend has been great as we have spent it together as a family. Both kids have been a little under the weather but still moving around!!!

I had the wonderful opportunity of sharing God's word with Mary's Chapel this morning. It was a blast!! We looked in Romans 12 and talked about Love in Action.

 9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.  14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.[a] Do not be conceited.

It challenged me to be a better representative of Jesus. I pray that we will love others just as Christ has loved us. God Bless!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 12 &13 - Missed writing


I hope all of you are well and stayed on the ground in this wonderful wind we have had today.

My reading yesterday and today consisted of Numbers 21-Deuteronomy 7. It was some great reading. I am enjoying reading this wonderful book. I actually am amazed at how specific everything is. The procedures are specific and people did as they were commanded/ Instructed. I pray that I can reach that level to be obedient to God's call in my life. I sometimes like to be in control... well all the time... and this is hard. MY prayer is I will be broken each day to trust in Him!!!

For the first time in our lives... Lyndi and I will be on the same schedule. I look forward to having family dinners and being able to spend time together. I do believe it will be a blessing for us.

I pray you have a wonderful Sunday!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 11 - Lyndi's back home

I hope you all have had a great day!!! My day has been fantastic. I got home and there was my beautiful wife. I am blessed!!!

Today I spent time reading Numbers 8-21. Really great information. I have to be honest, I get excited to read about the leaders of the Israelites going into Canaan and looking around. I laugh how they were scared by the  the report and their lack of faith in God. IN chapter 14 the people rebel again... When things aren't easy we still do the same thing. Our trust in God is conditional. As long as it does not push us out of our box or comfort zone then we are ok. I think of Noah and his faithfulness and 
Abraham's obedience!!! I long for that in my life.

This weekend we have Jerusalem project with our association. It will be an awesome time to spend with the youth group and having the time to chill out and relax with them. On Monday, we will do some work projects around the area!!!It will be fun!!!

I pray that you have a wonderful Friday!! God Bless!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 10 - God is Good!!!

I took the day off to spend with the kids and it has been exhausting. We have played, traveled to dyersburg and covington and went to church. We also picked up 14 kids along the way. Sweet!!!

Today I read the last chapter of Leviticus and started Numbers. I realize the more I read the more I am seeing who God is. I have enjoyed reading about the history and the things that Moses and Aaron had to do. I am just amazed at how obedient people were to God. It breaks my heart that people now are obedient more to society and what it says than God. I am the same as well. I struggle daily with being who Christ wants me to be. I want to be obedient to Him in every aspect of my life. Not easy but worth it.

Tonight was awesome at church. We talked about attitude and how when things happen in life it clouds our decisions. At the end of the night we had one young man make a decision to accept Christ as His Lord. I am proud of Bradford and beg you to pray for this young man as he begins this wonderful journey with Christ.

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!! God Bless and I want to challenge you to spend some time in the word and prayer!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 9 - Yep... I'm tired

Today has been a long day. Left home at 5:40 and returned this evening at 8:45. Everyonce in a while I have  those days. Got home and played with the kids for a bit and then settled in. Lyndi is in Martin to begin her Student Teaching seminar so I should get a good nights sleep. She will not be here to interrupt my snoring. LOL I have taken the day off to play with the kids. That will be awesome!!!!!!!

I spent some time reading in the wonderful word this morning. I love waking up and talking with Him. Helps me have a better day. Leviticus is a tough book. It has a lot of information that I have had to chew on to make sense. I have written down some questions that I am going to get the answer to and will post later in the week.

We had our first practice of the LMS baseball team today. It was fun. I haven't coached in 4 years but am looking forward to it. Good group of kids and they seem to have a descent foundation. I look forward to working with them and the other coaches.

I am looking forward to youth group tomorrow night. We are going to look at how God wants us to check our attitudes. SHould be interesting!!!

Well, I know it is past my bedtime. I pray you have a wonderful Wednesday and if you want to check out a youth group that sticks to the Word of God and has fun... come visit Fusion at Mary's Chapel. Starts at 6:30.