Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Voyage Begins

I have decided to blog to help me become more accountable for this new voyage I am going on. I was told about a program called B90X by a friend. My first thought was this is going to be hard if it is anything like P90X. After looking it over I came to realize that I can accomplish this. B90X is set up for a person to read the whole bible in 90 days. I have spoken to some people at my church and in the community and they also will be joining me on this voyage. If you are interested in learning more about this program let me know or you can type in B90X in a google search. They have a chart that breaks it down for you. While my wife and I are working on making our bodies healthier by exercising and eating right, I also want to build my body spiritually so I can be a role model for her and our kids. What a better way than through the infallible word of God!!! I am going to write about my readings each day and share what insights I have gotten from His word and how it has changed me. I would love for you to come and join me on this wonderful voyage. Mine will begin on January 2nd!!

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