Monday, February 6, 2012


Well I have been bad. I have gotten out of my routine but am trying to get back in it. I finished reading the book of Joshua today. It was great to see how they settled on the other side. Joshua was an obdient man and loved the Lord in a great way. I pray I can be this devoted.

Tonight I want to ask you to pray for the students in schools throughout the world. They go through things that I didn't think about when I was their age. I look at my students at school and in youth group and hurt for them. They share with me me some of their struggles at home and in the world and how school or church is their only refuge. I want to take them all home!!!(Lyndi would kill me) But if we would take the time to listen and not push them off we would get a better understanding of who they are.

Yesterday, Bro. Ronnie shared with us about the love of a child and how we can learn from them. I do agree!! While we are encouraging them, they are doing the same for us. We have to continue to pray for them and love on them. I know we may not understand them but they are God's children and we are to love them.

I also want to ask you to pray for my friend Kaylan. He is scheduled to speak to our youth group this Wednesday and I look forward to him doing so. Please pray that God will use him and that his nerves and angst will disappear. Give God the glory!!!

Have a great Tuesday!!!!